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What is the size of your footprint?

If everybody lived as you live, how many earth planets would be needed to afford your lifestyle? Should you adopt a more sustainable life style? Be susty!

This question took me by surprise in one of the firsts Certifications and Innovation’s classes of my Interior Design program. I thought “no much” since I use public transportation, I don’t have a car, I don’t usually buy or substitute electronics, clothes and shoes, I try to follow a balanced diet, I recycle my waste, etc. However, the test showed me a scary number. If everybody lived like me, 3.5 Earth planets would be needed to afford our lifestyle. Fortunately, there are people doing more than me and helping to equilibrate the balance.

Our footprint on the Earth is calculated by how much land, sea and freshwater is needed to provide the food and materials that we use in our everyday lives. (

What about you? Do your test and tell me after the result:

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