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What is to be susty or sustainable?

The concept was briefly introduced at the first post. As you can see below, sustainability is the equilibrium of three elements: feasible economy, nurturing community and natural environment.

And why equilibrium? Even though the research and experiments to send humans to Mars are going on, it is still on Earth that we live. Our planet is the only one, at least until we have spaceships like in Star Trek. Perhaps you already know the idea of the 3 R's: reduce, reuse and recycle. They have been refined and now we have 5 Rs: rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle.

It is important that they be analyzed and put into practice in that order.

  • Rethink: it means that you have to reflect whether you really need it, to change your habits, to start walking or biking which saves fuel, does not pollute and it is a great exercise;

  • Refuse: it means that you have to refuse overly packaged products. If you have choice, prefer glass containers, reusable bags and companies that have committed to the environment;

  • Reduce: it means that you have to buy less, invest in quality rather than quantity, buy food in bulk with its own container (It is already possible in many places);

  • Reuse: it means that you have to repair old appliances (even if it is cheaper to buy new, the durability of the new one is usually inferior);

  • Recycle: If some waste remains, you shall send it to be recycled (glass, plastic, metal, paper and cardboard) or root (organic waste).

Following those steps, little garbage will remain to be sent to the landfill. Start slowly and gradually keep incorporating new habits. The results (lack of waste) are encouraging and rewarding.

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